About Us
Teaching- Learning of an Educational Institute is mainly based on Teaching and Evaluation of the learners. Examination Cell plays a key role in evaluation part. The Examination Cell (Exam Cell) in Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya is headed by the Controller of Examinations with supporting staff. The prime responsibility of Examination Cell is conducting of all examinations (Both Internal and External Exams) in fair and systematic manner under the directions of the Principal, Academic Bodies and Controller of Examination of affiliating University (Vidyasagar University). Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya has two such cells to deal PG and UG programs separately.
Members of the Cell:
PG Exam Cell
- Dr. Purnima Jana (Controller of Exam)
- Dr. Tarapada Bera (Assistant Controller)
UG Exam Cell
- Dr. Dipankar Mishra (Controller of Exam)
- M.J.F Alam
- Dr. Buddhadev Guria (Assistant Controller)
Objectives of the Cell:
- Being affiliated college our Examination Cell make directives for all Examinations and acts according to the notifications received from Vidyasagar
- Examination cell prepares guidelines for students regarding Internal Examinations and End Semester Examinations.
- Examination Cell takes all precautions while preparing Examination Time table, Invigilation duty chart, seating plans for the students in the Examination halls, smooth conduct of Examinations etc.
- The Examination cells exhibit a pre-exam meeting to brief the members of faculty with regard to the examination procedures and responsibilities. They make recommendation accordingly to the Principal.
- Examination cell takes necessary steps for distribution of Answer sheets to the concerned teachers after completion of the examination and receiving the answer sheets, award list, and preparing in the desired format.
- The Examination cell must keep all records pertaining to examinations like attendance, marks, etc.
- The Examination Cells make the Seating Arrangement and display them on the concerned Notice Board/Websites.
- The Exam Cells prepare and display an overall Supervision Duty List as well as Daily Invigilation Duty List on the Staff Notice board and WhatsApp groups.
- The Exam Cells ensure that adequate stationery like answer sheets, question papers, threads, room gallery and student attendance sheet etc., are made available.
Activities of the Cell:
- Examination Cell serves all Examination notices received from University to all concerned.
- Examination cell prepares Circulars for students regarding Exam Fee Collection, the last date of fee Collection, modalities of payments of fine etc.
- Examination Cell takes all precautions while preparing Examination Time table, Invigilation duty chart, seating plans for the students in the Examination halls, smooth conduct of Examinations etc.
- Examination Cell mobilizes the proper staff during the Examination time, and assigning them duty as per the duty chart already prepared.
- Examination cell takes necessary steps for distribution of Answer sheets to the concerned teachers after completion of the exam and receiving the answer sheets, award list, and preparing in the desired format to send them to University.
- Examination Cell staff collects Marks Memos of various examinations from the University and they distribute them to the corresponding examiners.
- Exam Cell guides Examiners for proper uploading of marks (Internal, Class assessment, Practical, End Sem Written Exam (external) in University Exam Portal.
- Exam Cell guides student for filling up registration form, Exam Application Form, Complain/Grievances Form in online mode in University Exam Portal.
- Examination Cell keeps all records pertaining to examinations.
- Examination Cell staff addresses grievances of administration, faculty, staff and students on all examination related issues.
- Our College is always selected as venue for External Exam both in Theory and Practical. These parts of tedious job are to conducted in regular basis.
- Our College is often selected as venue for Nodal centre. Collection of answer scripts from other centres and distribution to Examiners are the part of work of our cell.