Members of the Club:

  1. Madhusudan Jana (Convener)
  2. Sovan Samanta
  3. Debashis Bandyopadhyay
  4. Priti Ranjan Pahari
  5. Buddhadev Guria
  6. Students

About Us

Since its establishment in 2018, it has motivated and inspired its members to learn and love science. Science Popularization Club focuses on the students to makes use of their skills and talents, which satisfy their instincts and urges and helps in their overall personality development. It has acted as a bridge between the curriculums related studies, thinking and extended scientific learning. It fosters the development of scientific tempers, skills, such as experimentation, critical thinking, and problem solving.  We are working on popular science issues so that general concepts of natural happening can be thought logically and scientifically. We work in collaborations with different wings of the college to fulfill overall goal of the college namely holistic development of the students in particular and society in general.  Even our convener works with different science society outside the college to inculcate scientific tempers among all.

Objectives of the Club:

  • To inculcate scientific temper, raise voice against superstitious activities, thinking logically.
  • To inculcate scientific attitude. To provide opportunity for the development of the constructive, explorative & inventive for the students.
  • To develop interest and participation in the practical application of knowledge related to different branches of science in students.
  • To develop interest in scientific hobbies.
  • To create interest in latest inventions and discoveries of science in various fields.
  • To make acquainted with the life history and contributions of great scientists.