The Student mentoring system is well running in our college Tamralipta mahavidyalaya. All the Teachers are involved in the process of mentoring. Every mentor is allotted with about 20 to 40 students to take care of them depending upon the programme and Departments. Every mentor is given a list of all the students allotted to him / her with details of Name, Class, Division, Roll Number, Contact Number and E-mail Id. The mentor has a chalked-out responsibilities to take care of all the mentees such as to provide them personal counseling, to support them for any kind of difficulty in their curriculum, to make provision of remedial coaching for them and to always support them as and when required.

The mentor also works for finding out hidden talent of the students in various aspects of academic, co – curricular and extra – curricular activities so that they can be promoted to do various activities in the concerned area for their holistic development. The mentor also contacts and meets the parents of his / her mentees to discuss their progress and / or any other matter, as and when required.

Students’ Benefits

  1. Students get mental and societal support during the crucial stages of their academic, professional and intellectual development.
  1. Increases the students’ confidence and challenges faced by them setting higher goals
  2. Helping the students to cultivate and promote the interpersonal skill
  3. Offers the students an exposure to diverse academic and professional perspectives, and experiences in various fields.
  4. Mentees get a direct access to all type of academic and infrastructural resources of the institution